Showing posts with label incarnation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label incarnation. Show all posts

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Praise the Salvation of the Incarnate God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Choir 16th Performance"

The Essentiality of God’s Incarnation

God Descends With Judgment

1. The Essentiality of God’s Incarnation
    The flesh of man has been corrupted by Satan, and most deeply blinded, and profoundly harmed. The most fundamental reason why God works personally in the flesh is because the object of His salvation is man, who is of the flesh, and because Satan also uses the flesh of man to disturb the work of God. The battle with Satan is actually the work of conquering man, and at the same time, man is also the object of God’s salvation. In this way, the work of God incarnate is essential.

    Satan corrupted the flesh of man, and man became the embodiment of Satan, and became the object to be defeated by God. In this way, the work of doing battle with Satan and saving mankind occurs on earth, and God must become human in order to do battle with Satan. This is work of the utmost practicality.

    When God is working in the flesh, He is actually doing battle with Satan in the flesh. When He works in the flesh, He is doing His work in the spiritual realm, and makes the whole of His work in the spiritual realm real on earth. The one who is conquered is man, who is disobedient to Him, the one who is defeated is the embodiment of Satan, who is in enmity of Him, and the one who is ultimately saved is also man. In this way, it is even more necessary for Him to become a man who has the outer shell of a creature, so that He is able to do real battle with Satan, conquering man, who is disobedient to Him and possessed of the same outer shell as Him, and saving man, who is of the same outer shell as Him and has been harmed by Satan.

    His enemy is man, the object of His conquest is man, and the object of His salvation is man, who was created by Him. So He must become man, and in this way, His work becomes much easier. He is able to defeat Satan and conquer mankind, and, moreover, is able to save mankind. He is able to defeat Satan and conquer mankind, and, moreover, is able to save mankind.
from “Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Friday, August 11, 2017

How Can We Tell the Difference Between the True Christ and False Christs? | Several Forms of Differentiation That We Should Possess in Our Belief in God

How Can We Tell the Difference 

Between the True Christ and False Christs?

God Become Flesh Is Called Christ
Relevant Words of God:
    God become flesh is called Christ, and so the Christ that can give people the truth is called God. There is nothing excessive about this, for He possesses the substance of God, and possesses God’s disposition, and wisdom in His work, that are unattainable by man. Those who call themselves Christ, yet cannot do the work of God, are frauds. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but instead, the particular flesh assumed by God as He carries out and completes His work among man. This flesh is not one that can be replaced by just any man, but one that can adequately bear God’s work on earth, and express the disposition of God, and well represent God, and provide man with life. Sooner or later, those fake Christs will all fall, for although they claim to be Christ, they possess none of the substance of Christ. And so I say that the authenticity of Christ cannot be defined by man, but is answered and decided by God Himself.
from “Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

    He who is God’s incarnation shall hold the substance of God, and He who is God’s incarnation shall hold the expression of God. Since God becomes flesh, He shall bring forth the work He must do, and since God becomes flesh, He shall express what He is, and shall be able to bring the truth to man, bestow life upon man, and show man the way. Flesh that does not contain the substance of God is surely not the incarnate God; of this there is no doubt. To investigate whether it is God’s incarnate flesh, man must determine this from the disposition He expresses and the words He speaks. Which is to say, whether or not it is God’s incarnate flesh, and whether or not it is the true way, must be judged from His substance. And so, in determining whether it is the flesh of God incarnate, the key is to pay attention to His substance (His work, His words, His disposition, and many more), rather than external appearance. If man sees only His external appearance, and overlooks His substance, then that shows the ignorance and naivety of man.
from Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

New Gospel Movie | Know the Incarnate God | “The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel”

The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel

    Lin Bo’en is an old preacher who has believed in the Lord for many decades. Since accepting Almighty God, Christ of the last days, he was convicted, excluded, and expelled from the religious community by the pastors and elders, the antichrist forces. But even though Lin Bo’en was attacked, convicted, and framed, he did not shrink back in fear. Rather, his faith became more resolute than ever, and this led him to finally understand that the pastors and elders of the religious world were faking a virtuous appearance. At the same time, he came to know that only Christ is the truth, the way, and the life, and only Christ can save and purify and perfect man. Because of this, he was resolved to follow Christ, bear witness for Christ, and do his utmost to pursue the truth, to seek to transform his disposition so that he could become a true witness for God. Once the Chinese Communist Party discovered that Lin Bo’en was released from prison and had not changed, that he had not renounced his faith in the slightest bit and even believed in the Eastern Lightning, that he went everywhere to testify that the Lord Jesus had come again and that He was Almighty God, the CCP listed him as wanted and went to arrest him. Lin Bo’en was forced to leave his family, and in each place he testified to Almighty God’s work in the last days, he was able to lead a lot of sincere, good-natured believers to God’s side. This video gives an account of Lin Bo’en’s true story of spreading the gospel and testifying for God.

The Lord Jesus Has Come Back | Gospel Movie “The Mystery of Godliness

Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Hymn—God Becomes Flesh to Save Mankind

God Becomes Flesh to Save Mankind

Today is the day, have you seen? It’s something for God to come among man. Hes come to save man, defeat Satan— the reason for His incarnation. If not for this, He wouldnt work by Himself. God has taken on flesh to battle Satan and shepherd mankind, whose flesh is corrupted and whom God wants to save. God comes twice in the flesh to defeat Satan and save mankind. Only God can battle Satan in Spirit or in flesh.
The angels cant fight, they have no power. And corrupt man, he stands no chance. So God puts on flesh to be mans life, to work on them and save them all, with His inherent identity, and the work He must do. God has taken on flesh to battle Satan and shepherd mankind, whose flesh is corrupted and whom God wants to save. God comes twice in the flesh to defeat Satan and save mankind. Only God can battle Satan in Spirit or in flesh.
The battle would go on, forever and ever, if God doesnt become flesh. For with the Spirit of God or mankind alone, there would be no way. God becomes flesh to battle Satan. Only then can man find salvation. Only then will Satan be defeated. Only then will its plans be tamed. If man were to take on this battle, he would only flee in disarray. Mankinds corrupt disposition would be unable to change. Man cant save man from the cross, nor conquer a rebellious mankind. What man can do is work like he has, but this cannot defeat Satan.
Man must obey and follow. They cannot bring a new era, nor can they battle Satan. Satan is defeated when man pleases God. For each new battle, in every new age, God Himself does the work to lead the age and open a new way, bringing man into a better realm. God has taken on flesh to battle Satan and shepherd mankind, whose flesh is corrupted and whom God wants to save. God comes twice in the flesh to defeat Satan and save mankind. Only God can battle Satan in Spirit or in flesh. Only God can battle Satan in Spirit or in flesh. 
from “Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Read more: 
Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination

Friday, June 30, 2017

The Hymn—He Who Is God’s Incarnation Shall Hold the Expression of God

He Who Is God’s Incarnation

Shall Hold the Expression of God

He Who Is God's Incarnation
Shall Hold the Expression of God
    God’s incarnation shall embody God’s substance and expression. And when He’s made flesh He’ll bring forth the work He’s been given to express what He is, bring truth to all men, give them life and show them the way. Any flesh that doesn’t embed His substance surely is not God incarnate.
    Confirm God’s flesh and the true way by His disposition, words and works. Focus on His substance instead of His appearance. It is ignorant and naive to focus on God’s external appearance. The outward doesn't determine the inward, and God’s work does not conform to man's conceptions.
    Didn’t Jesus’ appearance differ from what the people expected? Didn’t His image and dress disguise His identity? Wasn’t that why the Pharisees opposed Him? They focused on how He looked and paid no attention to what He said.
    God hopes the brothers and sisters seeking His appearance won’t repeat history. Don’t follow the Pharisees and nail God to the cross once more. So carefully consider how you will welcome His return. Have a clear idea of how you’ll submit to truth. It’s the duty of everyone who’s waiting for Jesus’ return.
 from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Incarnate God Is Called Christ, and Christ Is the Flesh Donned by the Spirit of God.

The Incarnate God Is Called Christ, 

and Christ Is the Flesh Donned by the Spirit of God.  

The Incarnate God Is Called Christ
Almighty God says, “The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood but is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself. Be it His humanity or divinity, both submit to the will of the heavenly Father. The substance of Christ is the Spirit, that is, the divinity. Therefore, His substance is that of God Himself; this substance will not interrupt His own work, and He could not possibly do anything that destroys His own work, nor would He ever utter any words that go against His own will” (“The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Almighty God says, “… Because He is a man with the essence of God, He is above any of created humans, above any man who can perform God’s work. And so, among all those with a human shell like His, among all those who possess humanity, only He is the incarnate God Himself—all others are created humans. Though they all have humanity, created humans are nothing but human, while God incarnate is different: In His flesh He not only has humanity but more importantly has divinity. His humanity can be seen in the outer appearance of His flesh and in His everyday life, but His divinity is difficult to perceive. Because His divinity is expressed only when He has humanity, and is not as supernatural as people imagine it to be, it is extremely difficult for people to see. Even today it is most difficult for people to fathom the true essence of the incarnate God. In fact, even after I have spoken about it at such length, I expect it is still a mystery to most of you. This issue is very simple: Since God becomes flesh, His essence is a combination of humanity and divinity. This combination is called God Himself, God Himself on earth” (“The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Recommend:Gospel ChoirThe Substance of Christ Is God