Showing posts with label Zion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zion. Show all posts

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Praise and Worship Dance “The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God” New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared

The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God

Ay … songs are many and dances are graceful;
the universe and the ends of the earth become a seething sea.
Ay … the heaven is new and the earth is new.
The vast expanse of the universe is full of praising; we shout and leap for joy.
Mountains join mountains and waters join waters, all brothers and sisters are heart to heart.
We praise God unceasingly. Created beings love God,
coming joyfully before His throne to worship together. 
God has in Zion revealed to the universe His righteousness and holiness. 
All God’s people are beaming with joy, praising God unceasingly. 
Praise God, praise God!
Hallelujah! Praise God, praise God!

To love God, we must offer up a true heart.
Sing and dance to praise Almighty God.
The praising voice rends the skies.
Let us, male and female, old and young, catch up together. 
You offer songs and I offer dances, you sing and I cooperate.
Shamed is the devil—the great red dragon; glorified is the name of the almighty true God.
We all have seen from His work God’s righteous disposition. 
Almighty God is a righteous God. All God’s people have seen His glorious countenance.
We all pursue to love and satisfy God, willing to be faithful to Him forever. 
Praise God, praise God!
Hallelujah! Praise God, praise God!
Come! Let’s praise God!
Come! Let’s praise God!
Mountains are rejoicing and waters are laughing,
all nations and all peoples are laughing happily. What a new look! 
The new heaven, new earth, and new kingdom!
We dance and sing new songs for God; we’re so joyful!
The most beautiful songs are sung to God, the most graceful dances are presented to God.
A sincere heart is held up to God, a true heart is offered up to God.
All God’s people and all things will praise Him forever without ceasing. Ay!
Oh! Zion is so glorious!
God’s dwelling place glows with rays of light. Its glory shines throughout the entire universe.
Almighty God wears a smile, and sits on the throne watching the new look of the entire universe. Hey!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

“Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne” The Judgment in the Last Days Has Begun

Ha ha ha ha … ha ...
The victorious King has been seated on the glorious throne.
He has accomplished redemption, leading all His people to appear in glory.
All things are in His hand. By divine wisdom and power,
He has built and fortified Zion, has built and fortified Zion.
By majesty, He judges this evil world,
and judges all nations and all peoples, the earth and the sea and the living things in them,
as well as those who are drunk with the wine of licentiousness.
Upon them God will carry out His judgment.

God will get angry with them, reveal His majesty,
and judge them right away, without any delay.
The fire of His wrath will consume their mortal sins,
consume their mortal sins. Disasters will come upon them at any moment,
and they will find it hard to escape and take refuge; weeping and gnashing their teeth, they bring destruction upon themselves.
They will find it hard to escape and take refuge; weeping and gnashing their teeth, they bring destruction upon themselves.
The overcomers, the beloved sons of God, will remain in Zion.
They will never get out of there, they will never get out of there.
The only true God has appeared (God has appeared)!
The end of the world (the end of the world) has been revealed before us. 
The judgment in the last days has begun.
All peoples hear God’s voice and pay attention to His actions.
The voice of praising will never cease, will never cease.
All peoples hear God’s voice and pay attention to His actions.
The voice of praising will never cease, will never cease.
The voice of praising will never cease, will never cease.

from “The Third Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Praise and Worship Choir “Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17