Sunday, July 16, 2017

Praise and Worship Dance “The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God” New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared

The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God

Ay … songs are many and dances are graceful;
the universe and the ends of the earth become a seething sea.
Ay … the heaven is new and the earth is new.
The vast expanse of the universe is full of praising; we shout and leap for joy.
Mountains join mountains and waters join waters, all brothers and sisters are heart to heart.
We praise God unceasingly. Created beings love God,
coming joyfully before His throne to worship together. 
God has in Zion revealed to the universe His righteousness and holiness. 
All God’s people are beaming with joy, praising God unceasingly. 
Praise God, praise God!
Hallelujah! Praise God, praise God!

To love God, we must offer up a true heart.
Sing and dance to praise Almighty God.
The praising voice rends the skies.
Let us, male and female, old and young, catch up together. 
You offer songs and I offer dances, you sing and I cooperate.
Shamed is the devil—the great red dragon; glorified is the name of the almighty true God.
We all have seen from His work God’s righteous disposition. 
Almighty God is a righteous God. All God’s people have seen His glorious countenance.
We all pursue to love and satisfy God, willing to be faithful to Him forever. 
Praise God, praise God!
Hallelujah! Praise God, praise God!
Come! Let’s praise God!
Come! Let’s praise God!
Mountains are rejoicing and waters are laughing,
all nations and all peoples are laughing happily. What a new look! 
The new heaven, new earth, and new kingdom!
We dance and sing new songs for God; we’re so joyful!
The most beautiful songs are sung to God, the most graceful dances are presented to God.
A sincere heart is held up to God, a true heart is offered up to God.
All God’s people and all things will praise Him forever without ceasing. Ay!
Oh! Zion is so glorious!
God’s dwelling place glows with rays of light. Its glory shines throughout the entire universe.
Almighty God wears a smile, and sits on the throne watching the new look of the entire universe. Hey!


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Almighty God’s Words | Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God

Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God
    Everyone feels that the management of God is strange, because people think that the management of God is completely unrelated to man. They think that this management is the work of God alone, is God’s own business, and so mankind is indifferent to the management of God. In this way, the salvation of mankind has become vague and indistinct, and is now nothing but empty rhetoric. Even though man follows God in order to be saved and enter the beautiful destination, man has no concern for how God conducts His work. Man does not care for what God plans to do and the part he must play in order to be saved. How tragic that is! The salvation of man is inseparable from the management of God, much less can it be divorced from the plan of God. Yet man thinks nothing of the management of God, and thus grows ever more distant from God. Consequently, increasing numbers of people are becoming followers of God who don’t know things that are closely related to the salvation of man such as what creation is, what belief in God is, how to worship God, and so on. At this point, then, we must have a talk about the management of God, so that each follower may clearly know the significance of following God and believing in Him. They will also be able to choose the path that they should tread more accurately, instead of following God solely to gain blessings, or avoid disaster, or become successful.
   Although the management of God may seem profound to man, it is not incomprehensible to man, for all the work of God is connected to His management, is related to the work of mankind’s salvation, and concerns the life, living, and destination of mankind. The work that God does among and on man is, it can be said, very practical and meaningful. It can be seen by man, experienced by man, and is far from abstract. If man is incapable of accepting all the work that God does, then what is the significance of this work? And how can such management lead to man’s salvation? Many of those who follow God are only concerned with how to gain blessings or avoid disaster. At the mention of the work and management of God, they fall silent and lose all interest. They believe that knowing such tedious questions will not grow their lives or be of any benefit, and so although they have heard messages about the management of God, they treat them casually. And they do not see them as something precious to be accepted, much less do they receive them as part of their lives. Such people have one very simple aim in following God: to gain blessing, and they are too lazy to attend to anything that doesn’t involve this aim. For them, believing in God to gain blessings is the most legitimate of goals and the very value of their faith. They are unaffected by anything that cannot achieve this objective. Such is the case with most of those who believe in God today. Their aim and motivation seem legitimate, because at the same time as believing in God, they also expend for God, dedicate themselves to God, and perform their duty. They give up their youth, forsake family and career, and even spend years busying about away from home. For the sake of their ultimate goal, they change their interests, alter their outlook on life, and even change the direction they seek, yet they cannot change the aim of their belief in God. They run about for the management of their own ideals; no matter how far the road is, and no matter how many hardships and obstacles there are along the way, they stick to their guns and remain fearless of death. What power makes them continue to dedicate themselves in this way? Is it their conscience? Is it their great and noble character? Is it their determination to do battle with the forces of evil to the very end? Is it their faith in which they bear witness to God without seeking recompense? Is it their loyalty for which they are willing to give up everything to achieve the will of God? Or is it their spirit of devotion in which they’ve always foregone personal extravagant demands? For people who have never known the work of God’s management to give so much is, quite simply, a wondrous miracle! For the moment, let us not discuss how much these people have given. Their behavior, however, is highly worthy of our analysis. Apart from the benefits that are so closely associated with them, could there be any other reason for these people who never understand God to give so much to Him? In this, we discover a previously unidentified problem: Man’s relationship with God is merely one of naked self-interest. It is the relationship between the receiver and giver of blessings. To put it plainly, it is like the relationship between employee and employer. The employee works only to receive the rewards bestowed by the employer. In a relationship like this, there is no affection, only a deal; there is no loving and being loved, only charity and mercy; there is no understanding, only resignation and deception; there is no intimacy, only a gulf that cannot be bridged. When things get to this point, who is able to reverse such a trend? And how many people are capable of truly understanding how desperate this relationship has become? I believe that when people immerse themselves in the joyousness of being blessed, none are able to imagine how embarrassing and unsightly such a relationship with God is.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

I Held Fast to the Bible and Became a Pharisee of the Present Age | Ironclad Proofs of God’s Words Conquering Denominations’ and Sects’ Leaders

I Held Fast to the Bible and Became a Pharisee of the Present Age

Feng Gang
Shangqiu City, Henan Province
I Held Fast to the Bible and Became a Pharisee of the Present Age
    In May 2002, I accepted the gospel of the last days of Almighty God. When I went to preach to the brothers and sisters of my former denomination with guilt, they said to me, “In the past, you didn’t allow us to have contact with the believers in Almighty God, and said that they would gouge out people’s eyes and cut off their noses and commit adultery. But now you yourself have followed them. You are an apostate. How can you have the face to come to preach to us? …” When I heard those words, my thoughts returned to the past…
    I began to believe in Jesus in 1989. In November 1992, I became the leader of the eight churches of the “Justification by Faith Church.” Later, the leader of the upper level said to me, “Only the God we believe in is the true God and the living God. All other denominations are heresies and cults. Never have contact with them, much less pray together with them. Otherwise, the evil spirit will come upon you. Then you will lose control of yourself.” Since then, I obeyed the leader’s “teaching” carefully and didn’t have contract with anyone of other denominations, fearing that I might “go astray.”
    In 1995, more than ten people had brought me the books of God’s word, such as The Word of That Spirit and Walking in the Light. I just skimmed over a part of the content of the book The Word of That Spirit carelessly, and then said angrily, “The words in this book are all curses. God is gentle and good and kind. How could He possibly curse people in such a way?” And after those words, I remembered what the leader said, so I returned the books to them and said stiffly, “Our belief is different. It’s unnecessary for us to fellowship!” Afterward, I lost no time in telling this matter to the leader above. He said, “They are ‘Eastern Lightning’ followers. They are very powerful. They believe in a heresy and a female Christ. You must guard against them strictly and prevent them from stealing the sheep from us…” Since then, guarding against the “Eastern Lightning” followers almost became all that I did in believing in God. Each time we had a meeting, I would say, “‘Eastern Lightning’ followers are coming to steal the sheep. They want to take us to death. Never have contact with them or talk to them. Otherwise, they will keep pestering you.”

A Hymn of God's Words “God Has Made a Group of Overcomers in China”

God Has Made a Group of Overcomers in China

Understand that as one who believes in God, in receiving His work in the last days, you've received glory and salvation as God works His plan through you. God's work in the universe has focused on you. All of His efforts have been devoted to you. God has sacrificed everything for you, and bestowed the work of the Spirit upon you. You are the fortunate, the lucky ones. He has shifted His glory from Israel to manifest His plan through you, the heirs to His glory and inheritance. You are the fortunate, the lucky ones. He has shifted His glory from Israel to manifest His plan through you, the heirs to His glory and inheritance.
Before, you heard but didn't understand the true meaning of these wondrous words: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." Now you are fully aware, the significance they hold. These words will be fulfilled in the last days, upon those who are cruelly afflicted by the great red dragon, the enemy of God. Because it persecutes God, believers in this land suffer torment. That's why, God's promise will be realized in them. You are the fortunate, the lucky ones. He has shifted His glory from Israel to manifest His plan through you, the heirs to His glory and inheritance. You are the fortunate, you are the lucky ones. You are the fortunate, you are the lucky ones.
God carries out His work in a land that opposes Him; His work suffers great hindrance, His words cannot be fulfilled soon. So His people are refined as they wait and suffer. God's work is difficult in the great red dragon's land. It is through this struggle that God does this step of work to manifest His wisdom and His wondrous deeds, to make these people perfect and complete. Due to their suffering and poor caliber, their satanic disposition formed in this filthy land, God works to purify, purify and conquer them, that He may gain glory and witnesses to His deeds. This is the meaning of all sacrifice He makes. God conquers through those who oppose Him, to manifest His power. In the unclean land, only people there are worthy of inheriting His glory. God's power is great, but must be revealed in the impure land, as is His will. God's power is great, but must be revealed in the impure land, as is His will. God's power is great, but must be revealed in the impure land, as is His will. God's power is great, but must be revealed in the impure land, as is His will. You are the fortunate, you are the lucky ones. You are the fortunate, you are the lucky ones.
from “Is the Work of God So Simple as Man Imagines?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Praise and Worship Dance “God Has Brought His Glory to the East
Utterances of Christ of the Last Days “Is the Work of God So Simple as Man Imagines?

“Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne” The Judgment in the Last Days Has Begun

Ha ha ha ha … ha ...
The victorious King has been seated on the glorious throne.
He has accomplished redemption, leading all His people to appear in glory.
All things are in His hand. By divine wisdom and power,
He has built and fortified Zion, has built and fortified Zion.
By majesty, He judges this evil world,
and judges all nations and all peoples, the earth and the sea and the living things in them,
as well as those who are drunk with the wine of licentiousness.
Upon them God will carry out His judgment.

God will get angry with them, reveal His majesty,
and judge them right away, without any delay.
The fire of His wrath will consume their mortal sins,
consume their mortal sins. Disasters will come upon them at any moment,
and they will find it hard to escape and take refuge; weeping and gnashing their teeth, they bring destruction upon themselves.
They will find it hard to escape and take refuge; weeping and gnashing their teeth, they bring destruction upon themselves.
The overcomers, the beloved sons of God, will remain in Zion.
They will never get out of there, they will never get out of there.
The only true God has appeared (God has appeared)!
The end of the world (the end of the world) has been revealed before us. 
The judgment in the last days has begun.
All peoples hear God’s voice and pay attention to His actions.
The voice of praising will never cease, will never cease.
All peoples hear God’s voice and pay attention to His actions.
The voice of praising will never cease, will never cease.
The voice of praising will never cease, will never cease.

from “The Third Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Praise and Worship Choir “Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Almighty God's Words—Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement (Part Two)

Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement (Part Two)

Beholding the Appearance of God
in His Judgment and Chastisement 
    By chance, the Holy Spirit expresses a piece of words “through” Him, and though it feels very unexpected, we recognize that this is the utterance of God, and we readily accept it from God. That is because, regardless of who expresses these words, as long as they come from the Holy Spirit we should accept them, and cannot deny them. The next utterance could be through me, it could be through you, or it could be through him. Regardless of who it is, all is the grace of God. Yet no matter who the person is, we should not worship them, for regardless of anything else, they cannot possibly be God; we can by no means choose an ordinary person such as this to be our God. Our God is so great and honorable; how could He be represented by someone so insignificant? What’s more, we are all awaiting the arrival of God to take us back to the kingdom of heaven, and so how could someone so insignificant be qualified for such an important and arduous task? If the Lord comes again, it must be upon a white cloud, visible to all. How glorious that will be! How could He quietly hide among an ordinary group of people?
    And yet it is this ordinary person hidden among people who is doing the new work of saving us. He does not clarify anything for us, nor does He tell us why He has come. He merely does the work He intends to do in steps, and according to His plan. His words and utterances become ever more frequent. From consoling, exhorting, reminding, and warning, to reproaching and disciplining; from a tone that is gentle and kind, to words that are fierce and majestic—they all instill both compassion and trepidation in man. Everything that He says hits home at the secrets hidden deep within us, His words sting our hearts, sting our spirits, and leave us ashamed and humiliated. We begin to wonder whether the God in this person’s heart really loves us, and what exactly He intends to do. Perhaps we can only be raptured after enduring such pain? In our heads we are calculating … about the destination to come, and about our future fate. Still none of us believes that God has assumed flesh and works among us. Even though He has been with us for so long, even though He has already spoken so many words face to face with us, we are still unwilling to accept someone so ordinary as the God of our future, much less are we willing to entrust control of our future and fate to someone so insignificant. From Him we enjoy an unending supply of living water, and thanks to Him we live face-to-face with God. We are only thankful for the grace of the Lord Jesus in heaven, and have never paid any attention to the feelings of this ordinary person who is possessed of divinity. He still does His work humbly hidden in the flesh, expressing His heart’s voice, seemingly insensible to mankind’s rejection of Him, apparently eternally forgiving of man’s childishness and ignorance, and forever tolerant of man’s irreverence toward Him.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China (Trailer) - The Church of Almighty God

Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China (Trailer) 

    Since it came to power in Mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and tried to eradicate all house churches. Recent years have also seen the CCP government's wide-scale introduction of policies aimed at the "Sinification" of Christianity. Thousands of church crosses have been demolished, many church buildings have been knocked down, and a great number of Christians in house churches have been arrested and persecuted. Christian churches in China suffer cruel and bloody persecution. …

    This documentary faithfully and objectively reproduces the persecution suffered by Chinese Christians at the hands of the CCP government, and focuses on describing the real experiences of two Christians who were persecuted to death by the CCP because of their belief in God. The Christians persecuted in the film are people from different sects and denominations who searched for the truth, and who heard the voice of God and thus returned to Almighty God. They walked the right path of life, yet were frantically arrested by the CCP government, tortured, and ultimately died from their mistreatment. The families of these martyrs were also monitored, threatened, and terrified by the CCP. They were not only unable to get justice for the deceased, but were thrown into disarray by the CCP's persecution. This exquisitely-shot documentary attempts to recreate what really happened at the time, and provides a profound reflection of the flagrant encroachment of the religious beliefs and human rights of Chinese Christians. It is a window to understanding the true lives of Chinese Christians and Christian families, as well as a reflection—rarely seen in recent years—of the experiences and emotions of Chinese Christians who have been persecuted as a result of their faith.

Recommended:More Persecution Experience Videos